Tuesday, February 8, 2011


sometimes i dont want to have to wait for you. sometimes i wish that it was easy. but the waiting and the difficulties are what will make it all worth it. 
i wonder sometimes. do i already know you? what is your laugh like? are you a christian now? are you dating someone now? what will we do for fun? please tell me you love thrift stores. 
i do know this for sure. you will love God more than you love me. and i would have it no other way. i pray for you, not in a religious teenage-girl-prayer-notebook kind of way but i know that you will meet your mini me on my shelf someday. your mini me reminds me of you, and puts a weird, 80's spin on a physical representation of who i'm praying for. 
to make this the weirdest ending of all time, i wonder if i won't meet you. not as in me becoming a bachelor for life (which could happen with my current facial hair) but as in my dying before we meet. or even better yet, my LORD bringing us home. how weird would it be to meet you in heaven? the thought gives me chills. 

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