Thursday, February 3, 2011

girls. (part 2)

Couldn't agree with you more man! I could also add, "If I see one more guy treating a girl he's with like crap, I swear I am gonna go insane!" The thing is I think we are a failed male generation, and I'm not excluding myself. All we want is, "What can I get from her?" rather than, "What can I give?" I know for me this is not my natural instinct. I have to fight it everyday and usually fail everyday and need to be forgiven. I wish guys could see women the way God sees them - WHO they are rather than WHAT they are.
It's that inner beauty that's what makes a girl beautiful. (like Aust said). I'm too tired of girls going at it the wrong way. Yeah you got us. Guys are suckers for the physical. But is that real beauty? I'd say no. To me, there's nothing hotter than a solid Christian girl who radiates Christ. I'm like, "girl, you read your bible? whooo! hold on. Can we get a window open in here." True Beauty.... its a beautiful thing.

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