Monday, February 14, 2011


Well this seems appropriate for the day, my favorite verse is Hebrews 10:24-25, "Let us consider how we may spur on another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as we see the day approaching."

When i read this verse i am reminded how much love thing should be lived out in our lives, 'not just the roman candle, hollywood hot pink love'.... im talkin' about the I GOT YOUR BACK LOVE! (really thought i wouldn't quote john haha) seriously this love thing should be shown by how we encourage eachother in the good and crack down on eachother in the bad. I love you guys but if you screw up or do somethin i know is wrong i will let you know, because you guys mean so much to me. Alright no more mooshy stuff....

I was recently reading my Bible (shocker!! jk jk) but for some reason i was in Romans randomly and in chapter 12 verse 12 it says "be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
I really like this verse because it covers just about everything in 10 words literally, happy in the good, patient in the bad, but always faithful in prayer. I have been praying for you guy... just want you to know that and I know that your making new sweet friends and maybe even a couple new lady friends (austin?) haha just remember to show them love, Christ's love, the love he showed us when he died on the cross for me and you. Even though my life is full of so much crap!

Once again ill just say it cause it's true, love you guys! Besties with Testes!

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