Sunday, February 6, 2011


There's a whole world out there that's in need
Some show it more than others
But inside of everyone, there's a hole
No money, alcohol, girls could ever satisfy
They are insecure, they just want to be loved
At the bare minimum, to know someone cares
They try to fill themselves, but it's always half empty
Talk to people, listen to them
Above all else, they wish they had just someone close
Someone who could just accept them for who they were
They didn't have to put on a show
All they had to do was just to Be - no doing
No fake smiles and charisma - just genuine
It's amazing to see people when you take the time
You don't care what time of day it is, what it's about
All that matters is that person.
Because God cares..... that's where it all starts
The more I see other people and their needs, I realize:
They're scared, They're lonely
All they want is to be loved and to know someone's there
God, can you help save this person
Because that person
                                    is really me.

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