Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mighty Men

2 Samuel 23:8-39          
1 Chronicles 11:10-47

3 Men. studs. nuff said.
This part of the bible is so sick! Three dudes singlehandedly own the philistines. One kills 800 men by himself in one encounter. what the crud?! imagine the movie 300, but ten billion times better. I get chills every time I read this section of scripture not just because of who these dudes were but because of who I think of. I think of my boys: Aust,  Cul and I looking to be the three mighty men of God. The mighty men are just the perfect picture of reliance and trust in each other. By themselves they are unmatched by anyone in Israel. Together, they risk their lives in service to their king because of their love for him.

Once, David longed for water. Of course the only water source was located in a stronghold of the philistines. (real good timing on that request, dave) "So the three men broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David." (2 Sam. 23:16) and might I add they did this without spilling......

Another time one of the mighty men, Eleazar, stood his ground while the rest of Israel retreated. He fought until his hand froze to the sword, and the LORD brought about a great victory. I don't really know how, but it was like the sword became ingrafted into Eleazar. (seriously, why hasn't anyone made a movie about these guys)

Translate that to us: Mighty men = dudes who cling to their sword. aka: the Word of God - no matter how long the battle or the fight may last because in the end the Lord will bring about a great victory. My prayer is that's who we strive to become: men with incredible loyalty to our King with amazing stories to tell.

Such are the exploits of the three mighty men.........

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