Tuesday, February 15, 2011

in the book.

francis chan spoke at chapel last semester and it was incredible. i mean i would expect nothing less from him but i loved hearing him speak. what he said is stuck in my brain (still! so it gotta be good) and i wanted to share it.
i could watch the podcast of the talk he gave (which i downloaded. and would recommend you to do likewise) and quote verbatim what he said but this will be close enough. he challenged us to look at our own lives and ask if our lives belonged in the Bible.  if we were written into the Word of God, would people think, "why is he in there? why does he belong to be in that book? what has he done to glorify God and further the kingdom?" and sometimes in my day to day life i wonder if i am living radically for Christ. and being at apu i have learned to be skeptical of the numerous cliches thrown around without care such as living radically. we are in surburbia los angeles. at college. studying. what is radical about that? but we can be looking forward to something greater in our own lives while spurring one another on towards good deeds and encouraging each other. i hate the confidence of the student body, especially the girls to totally stereotype because we need to realize that the God of the universe created us uniquely and in His own image! how does this relate to my life being written into the Bible? i'm not sure but i'm doing my best to connect the dots. i want God to say "well done good and faithful servant" soon. i want to know that my story belongs in the book of life.

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