Thursday, March 3, 2011


my books are my girlfriend. by austin. 
a haiku. 

let me explain myself.

i spend a lot of money on my books.
i spend a lot of time with my books.
my books are always there for me.
when i do well on a test, my books make me feel good about myself.
i usually close the door when i'm focusing on my books.
my books don't judge me.
sometimes i take naps with my books / i fall asleep on top of them.
my books are fun to take to coffee shops, and sit with for hours.

why my books are better than a flesh and blood girlfriend

they say what they mean.
i don't need to buy them things.
they can't talk back.
they don't nag.
you can close them when you don't want to listen anymore.
they can fit into any time schedule.
they don't make me be someone i'm not.
i don't have to meet the parents.
they are not emotionally unstable.

i love my books!

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