Sunday, March 27, 2011

francis and don.

i've been feelin a bit of the spring spiritual blues (made up emotion) and some of this might have to do with school stepping up a notch and the subsequent distraction from God.  but this week francis chan came again and spoke at school and it was so awesome! should be up on itunes soon to download and while you wait you can always download when he spoke in the fall. on top of that donald miller (holler at your portland boy!) had some amazing blog posts concerning death. i loved them. so i'll attempt to post those links at the end of this...

francis spoke and as a brief synopsis he spoke about how our lives can be so out of balance with what we believe.  he took a recent trip to asia to look at missionary opportunities for himself and his family and came back realizing that american christianity is straight up ridiculous.  when he told chinese christians how we did church with child care and ushers and services in big buildings every sunday, they laughed.  they are persecuted and hunted for being christians.  francis asked if there are any "lukewarm" christians in china and they laughed and asked, "why would anybody do this halfway? we lose everything for our beliefs."
am i willing to lose everything? am i willing to be alone in this world so that i might live in the next? this is as good of a segway into don's blog posts. the links are below.

finally, francis said this near the end of his visit, "i'm not trying to be radical or some extreme Christian i just want my life to make sense in light of what i believe." take it for what you will.

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