Tuesday, March 15, 2011


my brothers. i stumble and trip up and allow the devil to tempt and trap me.  but these verses in galatians 6 are awesome because they put a metaphorical spin on the spiritual battle and when i read the verses, i can't help but think of gladiator and maximus putting on his armor before entering the arena.
galatians 6:10-20 tells of the whole armor of God, belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit.  the message puts it so succinctly (s.a.t. word anybody?) in that these "are more than words.  learn how to apply them.  you'll need them throughout your life.  God's Word is an indispensable weapon."
we are not fighting in a saturday football grudge match but a battle for keeps, all-or-nothing, life-or-death fight against the devil for not only our own eternal salvation but others around us as well. i encourage you to see the devil's stumbling blocks in your life and eliminate them.  the block doesn't have to make you sin, even if they just keep you from experiencing God to His fullest. call it lent, call it whatever you want but i can personally attest to how great it can be. i love you guys.

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