Friday, January 28, 2011


how weird is it that we are attracted to our own species? maybe that is just me but when i see me in the mirror, i'm not attracted to myself. so what makes me seek out relationships with girls? what makes them special?
more importantly, why don't girls see what makes them special? john mayer once said, "if i meet one more beautiful woman with daddy issues, i swear i'm gonna go insane" but i would say "if i meet one more beautiful woman with self esteem, self worth issues, i swear i'm gonna go insane!"
obviously, it's easier said than done. obviously our broken world harps on the fleeting physical beauty and appearances but we are so much more than skin and bones. God made us in His image! we praise God for his beauty and majesty but we can catch a glimpse of Him in others as well as ourselves. i might not be beautiful by the worlds standards but i know that i for sure will not be beautiful in 30 years. let's just be honest. just practically speaking, why can't i / we / girls focus on what will be eternally beautiful?
all this talk of beauty is semi focused on the spiritual aspect and inner beauty but anybody can be externally beautiful without makeup or washboard abs (i'm talkin to you two). a simple smile, exuberant joy illicits a beauty that is obvious to all. the night that stevo took courtney to banquet, i can legitimately say with an honest heart that courtney was beautiful.
i only wish girls could see their beauty, their infinite worth.

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