Monday, April 18, 2011


hey guys one of my teachers gave this lecture last year in my biology class and it was really moving and even more so as we approach good friday. so take a peak and hopefully it put's Christ's sacrifice into perspective for us.

ps. i have never understood why it is called "good" friday when it was anything but. easter sunday might be considered "good" but i don't get the friday part. (this is a welcome invitation for someone to tell me why...)
pps. part of the reason why this lecture was so good was because dr. shrier is a 50+ year old woman with m.s. who can barely walk without a cane and never really shows any emotion in class. all year she was monotone, stoic and never smiled much. but when she came to the end of her lecture she asked the question that ends this article and she started crying in front of the whole class. i told a friend about it after and they said she has been giving that same lecture for 28 years and cries every time.

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