Sunday, February 10, 2013


    yoyo so in leadership we watched this amazing ted talk.  you can watch it here (aka please watch it for a better understanding of what is to come). and i think i had watched it before but just struck a different cord this time.  i have some friends who are seniors this year or just juniors graduating early. and there is pretty much two camps, those who know what they are doing next and those who have no freaking clue.  and though not graduating too soon, i would still count myself in the latter group. i mean sure i have a "plan" but what is that worth?
    so how i saw simon pinek's talk relating to me was that i should be worrying less about the "what" and more about the "why".  if i decide i want to be a circus clown, that makes the next step easy to follow because the path is defined.  but that "what" may change.  if i want to be a circus clown because it is the most practical way to live out my "why" of desiring to put smiles on as many faces as possible, then if at some point i can't be a clown, there are other "whats" that i can pursue with that same "why".
  so i'm trying to communicate that the why is what is important.  the why is what will last, will sustain a vocation, will sustain life.  i'll give an example.  my why is definitely a work in progress but it goes something like this:

  i desire to serve and care for those who cannot care for themselves.  i need to provide something tangible and address physical needs as a conduit for addressing spiritual needs.  and in all that i do, allowing my relationship with Christ to direct my actions.

  i realize the what's and why's can get confusing.  if i'm putting it simply it is this, i think that we all have a God-given purpose.  i don't necessarily know mine for sure. and i don't think that we all have a God-given job.  but i believe that in seeking and finding that purpose will give more confirmation to a vocation you choose.
  so join me in praying for, seeking your "why".

1 comment:

  1. dude.... that was freaking money. That's life changing right there.
