Friday, January 4, 2013

new years.

granted, this would be more timely had it been posted on new year's eve or january first but it is coming now so deal with it.
i haven't ever thought about new year's and the meaning or symbolism behind it but it struck me funny this year when there were so many ads surrounding resolutions and changing yourself for the new year.  i'm all for the exciting incident or incentive that a new calendar year may bring to one's life but i found myself so much more reflective than futuristic at the end of 2012 and dawn of 2013.  there is a saying that says hindsight is always 20/20 while looking forward is often less than that basically emphasizing the importance of reflection.  and besides the importance, think of the practicalness.  try as i may, i'll never predict the future.  James 4:13-15 seems pretty straight forward that we do not even know our next moments. if the fragility of life wasn't enough, we have the impending coming of the Kingdom.  so relish our past, our experiences, our failures and triumphs.  for 2013 is sure to hold them too, i just do not know if we need to plan them.

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