Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Good Life.

What is it? When the words run across your eyes what do you think of? The good life. The Life. When someone asks, "how ya doing?" And you respond with, "I'm living the life." While your answer may be laced with some humor, what's hidden in that response is what has been driven into us by our culture. Culture, media, the "American Dream" have all told us what this good life is: Get rich, grace yourself with dapper clothes, grab a few honies along the way, drink it up. lavishly and get other people to respect you for it.

I find it interesting to be in a position where one year can change a person's financial position in the blink of an eye. One day they are playing collegiate football and barely scraping by, the next they have just signed a 6 figure contract and are playing in what most consider the highest league of all professional sports in the U.S. To put it plainly, they got it made. They are now living the "life" they dreamed about and what our culture has sold us on what life's supposed to be like. Fancy cars, louis vuitton handbags club appearances, large twitter following.

But is that all? Is that right there the life we were created to live? No. Not even close. The true Good Life is this:

John 10:10-11
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly.    

 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." [emphasis added]

Jesus calls us, not to a dour, lifeless, miserable existence that squashes human potential. Let's face it. That's all the world promises. It leaves you broken and destroyed. It kills you. But Christ calls us to a rich, full, joyful life, one overflowing with meaningful activities under the personal favor and blessing of God and in continual fellowship with his people. That's the life I wanna be living. I wanna be livin the Good Life.

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