Monday, April 16, 2012

I Live For This

Lord Hear my prayer:

Luke 18:1-8

It's time to show what I can do. At practice today Coach Phillips and Coach Jones made it clear that I am earning playing time right now. During 7on7 they told me to take 4 reps and rest 2, which is a butt-load. Whoo... I was tired after that, but this entire week I need to make plays. I earn it now, not during Fall Camp. They make their decisions on who plays during the Spring.

"No Pressure No Diamonds"

I've prepared. I'm ready. I just need to make the spectacular ordinary. Every day I need to make a play. Every day I need strength. Lord, I am weak! You are the author and perfecter of my faith. Let me not be put to shame! I believe I'm here for a reason, but sometimes I play tenative. Fill me with your power. Your Holy Spirit, the same one that raised Lazarus from the dead! You are the Giver of Good. My heart isn't living for this life, and I wanna bring as many people with me when this life ends. Show your power. But not my will but YOURS. If it doesn't work out, I will still love You.

Father, hear my prayer.

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