Sunday, May 22, 2011


how you know you're home (or at least not in california)....

  1. it is raining
  2. the water tastes good
  3. everyone recycles
  4. you can actually find a recycling bin
  5. there aren't 7 million plastic surgery billboards on the way home
  6. the speed limit is 55
  7. it is called "i-5" not "the 5"
  8. nobody comments on how pale you are
  9. even though your pro basketball team loses a series, people still support them
  10. you worry about tennis matches being "rained out"
  11. the grocery store sells organic meat
  12. putting a bird on something makes it art
  13. there are bookstores that take up a city block
  14. excessive amount of bikers
  15. you see multiple "smart cars" on the road
  16. it is 55 degrees and locals bust out the shorts
  17. it's still raining

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