Tuesday, September 27, 2011


i honestly don't know how to say this. um a girl who graduated from apu with lindsay frey died yesterday.  she was a young life leader, a staff person at high sierra and by all accounts an on fire Christian. her name was nadyne. i met her when i visited chase at high sierra last semester. obviously i didn't know her very well but so many of my friends here did.  i can honestly say that she is the first person that i have ever known that has died. and obviously my connection is so insignificant compared to her true friends but it has made me realize even further how fragile life was.  she slipped while on a platform at camp and fell 30 feet. i have gone through what that would be like in my head a dozen times.  i feel so terrible for my friends who knew her more intimately but what can you say? the comfort is temporary because this world is broken. i have every confidence that nadyne is in heaven rejoicing with the angels but at the same time i have my own doubts. i do not want to die. and knowing nadyne is in heaven does not make the earthly pain any less. 
i don't know how to say this exactly but seeing nadyne's death and its fallout has made me think about losing someone that i care about.  i can honestly say that i do not know what my response would be to lose a friend from westside, younglife, apu. i pray that God can ready my heart and faith for when that day comes. i pray that God readies my heart for when i meet Him. 

i love you guys.